The mysterious letter which suddenly appeared and was given to Gobind Singh on Tuesday afternoon drew a lot of attention from the public. Gobind did not state who had given him the said letter. All he said was, and I quote from the opposition aligned The Malaysian Insider:
Gobind said the letter was handed directly to him late Tuesday afternoon, just as he was leaving the court here.
So, who actually gave Gobind the letter when he was about to leave the court? If we know the person who sent this letter, surely it will direct us to the authors of the letter.
So, if we follow the trail from the person who handed all the way to the writer, we can now establish who had actually written it. Surely Gobind is curious as to who had composed that letter. Everyone is.
This is important when the issues described in the letter are discussed and cross-referenced in the court of law.
Don’t get me wrong. I love it when this letter appeared. Thank God it did.
If we throw away a pertinent point such as credibility (where we neglect the existence of real, actual persons representing the accusations in the letter), the writings in it had actually cleared up a few things with regards to the current inquest on the death of Teoh Beng Hock.
First and foremost, I am happy to note the MACC as a whole is not a murdering pack of Malay officers bent on killing the chinese (as alluded by DAP leaders and also racist commentators in several opposition portals like Malaysian Insider and Malaysia Today and also some from this very own blog).
I have written in my past article that it would be silly to accuse the MACC to murder Teoh Beng Hock, especially when there inquest had not even started yet. I wrote that there are a few scenarios that could have explained his death besides the usual ‘MACC the murderer’. I also wrote that the propaganda of the racist DAP had far too easily trying to divert attention by accusing the MACC as a mass murdering government machinery.
But now the letter had proven otherwise.
There are indeed many MACC officers doing their honest work in this government institution. Thank God they have clear conscience to tell the truth albeit through this anonymous letter.
Therefore, the assertions that all government officers in all government institutions are no more than a bunch of murdering hooligans on a killing spree are not true at all. Kudos to the MACC as a whole.
This letter in a way had pointed out who the bad apples are. As we all know, in any barrel of apples, there are bound to be a few.
Secondly, the letter had in a way accused the MACC State Deputy Director, Hishamuddin Bin Hashim as the main officer in charge of interrogating Teoh Beng Hock a few hours before his death.
It made great effort to tell us that Hishamuddin always hold the belt of anyone he is interrogating and lifting that person many times during the interrogation.
This is new to all of us. The person writing this must be someone who had seen Hishamuddin doing this many times. But again, without knowing who the writer of this letter is, it is hard to see this as a real fact. Nevertheless, lets assume for now, it is true – that this is an insider information.
Regardless, the logical thing to do now is to perform another DNA check on this officer so that we can now be extra certain that the DNA of Male 1 identified by the experts were indeed to be Hishamuddin’s (just like how the letter suggested to do). Perhaps now we will know that there were physical contact between one of the MACC officers and Teoh Beng Hock during the inerrogation.
The letter however, did not tell us that it was Hishamuddin who caused the death of Teoh Beng Hock. Indeed, as suggested by The Malaysian Insider, the letter ‘does not say how Teoh actually died, which is the subject of the ongoing magistrate’s inquest’.
Instead, it had inadvertently told the public that Hishamuddin has got nothing to do with Teoh’s death.
Well, the letter said that this officer, Hishamuddin left the building at 6.10 in the morning. The letter specifically said that he left the building at 6.10am but without punching out his punch card (MACC office still using punch card? How retro is that?)
This is what the letter said:
“Kami mengesyaki berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi bahawa TP tidak mengetuk kad perakam waktunya (punch-card) semasa beliau hendak balik daripada pejabat pada 16hb Julai 2009, jam 6.10 pagi. Ini penting kerana ia boleh membuktikan bahawa TP adalah orang yang terakhir melihat Teoh. Persoalannya, kenapa beliau tidak mengetuk kad perakamnya sedangkan beliau adalah seorang yang selalu mengetuk kadnya. Untuk rekod, beliau adalah seorang yang teliti dengan kad perakamnya.”
Anyway, the writers of the letter knew that Hishamuddin had gone back from the office that morning. They actually saw him going back home although he did not do the obligatory punch-out. It is quite peculiar for them to say that. Because, this immediately absolves Hishamuddin from ever been at the point of TBH’s death because according to experts, TBH time of death is from 8am to 9.30am.
Hmmm.. as we all know, one of the last person to see Teoh Beng Hock was Tan Boon Hwa and this was admitted by the latter who made the declaration that around 6am to 6.30am, he saw Teoh Beng Hock looking ‘tired and quiet’ in the pantry.
What do you think? Has the letter, purportedly written by a group of MACC officers, had somehow told us that Hishamuddin could be free of any accusation that he murdered Teoh Beng Hock? Many are using this letter to further strengthen their claims that MACC killed a member of the opposition.
The existence of this letter so far had only revealed to us that:
1) there are good officers with clear conscience in the MACC – the MACC is not an institution of pure evil
2) Teoh Beng Hock’s death could not be certain by this letter
The letter still could not determine how did Teoh Beng Hock die, when did he die, and why did he or other people want him to die.
Which now leaves us with the expert opinion of pathologists, investigators, coroners and toxicologists which had all pointed to the fact that Teoh Beng Hock could have committed suicide around 8am to 9.30am. The evidences are too many too ignore.
Note that the experts are there for a reason. They have the experience, the knowledge and the technical skills to ascertain the cause of death and how the person had died. Too bad these days, the public especially the opposition supporters think they have more expertise in forming opinion than the experts themselves.
However, there is also one big point of contention in the letter when it had seriously accused Hishamuddin of tampering with the crime scene i.e. the window on the 14th floor of Plaza Masalam.
It stated:
“Kami mendapat maklumat bahawa TP telah mengarahkan pegawai bawahannya untuk mengelap/mengesat kesan cap c(j)ari pada tingkap tingkap yang dipercayai tempat Teoh jatuh. Ini terbukti apabila pihak polis tidak menjumpai apa0apa kesan cap jari baru atau lama pada tingkap tersebut. Persoalannya, kenapa TP mengarahkan untuk bertindak sedemikian?“
Now, I find this piece of information quite odd because in the Inquest, we were told that there were fingerprints near the window. The investigators at the crime scene were grilled by Gobind himself at that time and it was revealed that there were as many as 8 fingerprints near the window sill.
Now if Hishamuddin had asked his subordinates to wipe clean the window, how come there are still fingerprints? Okay, lets give the benefit of the doubt that the subordinates had wiped the window halfheartedly (because these probably were the subordinates with conscience and good heart we mentioned earlier).
But how come the window, as testified by the investigators in the inquest as dirty and dusty? The reason why they cannot figure out the fingerprints was because of the dusty and dirty window sill.
Hence, there is a contradiction there. MACC officers had to wipe off the window for any fingerprint traces and yet, the dust and dirt on it remained untouched as what was claimed by the investigators.
Mind boggling.
Lastly, people had said that the letter uses the letterhead of the MACC. The opposition aligned Malaysia Today did not reveal to us how this letterhead looks like. What a pity. I sure would like to see how does the whole letter looks like as compared to just the body shown in the Malaysia Today website. Then, we can compare the letterhead from the letter to the official letterhead of the MACC.
Anyway, like I said earlier, I am glad this letter came out.
Too bad the letter had focused more on something unrelated to how Teoh had died but instead began to accuse Khir Toyo and his corruption shenanigans.
But it is still okay. We now have an information about Khir Toyo’s corruption practices (what’s new anyway?), that Hishamuddin supposedly has assets beyond his means and he was caught in a “khalwat” raid early this year.
As the regular readers know, this blog is not fond of any corruption practices. Be it by the Umnoputras or the opposition. If they have evidence, please do a thorough investigation. Too bad that the letter was written by anonymous people. If it wasn’t, the person who wrote this letter can appear in court and nail Khir Toyo once and for all.
However, Khir Toyo had denied the allegations contained in the letter. I guess somehow, this drama from the opposition and the accused party will still go on for quite some time.
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